Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Conventions Of The Genre

The Indie-Pop genre usually consists of lyrics that have a small meaning when looked at closely but usually have a catchy rhythm associated with them, this means that the lyrical content can usually be overlooked by audiences listening to it. The lyrical content is usually the visual cues for the music video, this means that the music videos of Indie Pop are usually quite distinctive and individual, this also means that a more abstract form of music video is adapted, with in part narrative and performance blending in with abstract forms.
Indie-Pop usually follows the same light style of pop, but accompanies the music with alternative rock elements, these are usually guitars and vocals as well as a different vocal style more associated with Alt-Rock rather than Pop, although it can go the other way with Pop vocals as well. The style is deeply influenced by what audiences want and expect of the genre because social trends are always changing the genre itself dynamically adapts to the change in style.
the indie Pop music genre features vocals which usually feature a natural sounding voice without auto tune or effects applied. This means that audiences listen to this style of music because they appreciate that they are listening to the artist as they actually sound.
The marketing of the Indie Pop genre is targeted to audiences as being rebellious towards the masses, this means that the music and in extension to this the music videos do not follow traditional form and conventions. This can be things such as using abnormal camera shots or using scenes in a different way than the audience are used to, all of this is used to show the audience that the music and the genre do not fit into the stereotypical society and it is good, in fact encouraged through the music its self to stand out.

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