How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Texts?
Before creating the music video I went out and took test shots around various locations to get a feel of how I wanted the music video to look, to decide on a style that would match I took various photographs showing the different enviroments and this allowed me to decide on my final shooting locations. The locations were important becuase they would influence how the audience would feel about the characters and the motives and intentions of the characters.
When creating the ancillery texts I originally wanted to go for a hand drawn look to the image which would have nearly all of the colour removed to match the music video, however I involved the artist on the cover and included her on the ancillery texts, this meant adjusting the transparency and feathering of the image at the edges to achieve the look, lacking in colour and fading away against the background.
Using the same colour scheme across the main text and ancillery text was important, this was achieved by making the characters dress in dark colours to match the dark colours of the ancillery texts. The bright colours of the main prodict was portrayed through the use of colour explosions which were achieved by using a downloaded space brushes pack which was then modified and layered to create the cosmos shown on the ancillery texts. The amont of colour in the music video is purposely lacking because it alters the mood of the product and also changes audience expectations as set up in the main text.
I use both the main product and ancillery texts to build up the image of the artist, becuase of this the ancillery texts influenced parts of the music video and the music video influenced parts of the ancillery texts. The ancillery texts contain editied direct screenshots from the final music video which creates brand recognition of the artist helping individuals identify the products relations easier.
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